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There is no question that the use of the internet has opened many doors from us. From powerful advancements in technology that allow us to travel to the moon, to simply ordering our meals online and having them arrive at our doorstep a few moments later. It’s no surprise that education has also adapted to an online model. Many universities across various countries have adapted to these changes and now are offering online education, and raving about it. With the long list of benefits, it is worth the praise. Making the switch to taking courses online, receiving tutoring help online and studying online also changes the learning behavior of most students, thus enduring a long list of benefits. 

Considering every student learns in a different way, The French Tutor Inc. continues to keep its goal to reach every child’s academic learning potential and therefore is adapting to all needs of our students. We have now partnered with Lumen Ed, an online tutoring and education company removing the barriers to receiving high quality, personalized education, anywhere. With this partnership, you will be able to book one of our very own tutors, online, whenever and wherever you want. With the partnership, we believe that we can reach new opportunities and new potentials for our existing students and new students that can only access us online. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Online Education Removes Barriers

Tutoring often gets a bad wrap with students because it seems like, well, more school. This is especially true when you have agreed to meet your tutor in a school setting, such as a library or public university building. This reason alone can create a barrier of resistance, especially for younger students who may not see the whole picture. When online tutoring becomes time to learn on the computer, it may shift their interest to become more engaged and interested in taking tutoring in general, which removes this barrier of resistance. Not to mention the extra hour of commuting it may take both your child and yourself to arrange meeting the tutor. When finding a tutor online, it only takes a matter of minutes before you’re looking a possible great match.

2. Learning Online Helps You Rethink Time Management

Even though online education skips the commute time, it takes more effort than you may think to keep up your studies – which is all the more reason to switch to online learning. For many students, switching to online education leaves a lot more time for working on other things they enjoy, such as their hobbies or time with friends and family. Although, ironically enough, it will seem this way for the first few weeks, and just as the semester progresses, so will your work online. Being that the starting point can ironically trick students, freeing up more time than they are used to, it can then urge them to have a laser-point focus on time management once the speed of the semester increases. This not only teaches them time-management, but also accurately planning and adjusting time allocated for certain projects related to their online education, their other courses during the semester, and their own personal lives. This type of “project-management” thinking prepares more and more students for the corporate world or becoming an entrepreneur, something that may be harder to grasp in traditional learning environments.

3. You Become An Asset To The Future Job Market

There is no surprise that according to the Linkedin Talent Blog, the 14 most in-demand hard-skills in 2019 require a computer. With industries making the list such as Cloud Computing, UX Design, and Video Production, there is no doubt that the more proficient you are with a computer, the more likely you will be to be able to adapt in-demand hard skills. Although, being tech-savvy does not just apply to hard skills. According to the same article, the 5 most in-demand soft-skills of 2019 are creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability, and time-management. Making the switch to learning education online will strengthen these skills as well. Creativity will come when you no longer have a partner sitting beside you to “inspire” your ideas. Persuasion and collaboration come into play when adjusting course logistics, such as tutoring time periods, grading, etc. and working in an online study group. Adaptability and time-management are also fundamental factors of success in online education, being that adapting to an online environment is a skill that can never be taught in traditional learning methods.

4. You Can Get An A+ in Attendance

Showing up seems a lot easier when you can still be in the comfort of your own home, even in the comfort of your pajamas and bed – we won’t tell! When learning online, it removes many obstacles that are at play with simply getting to your tutoring, courses, etc. With a nearly perfect attendance record, students are much more likely to stay on top of their studies and create a more transparent learning environment between themselves and their teachers. Besides, there is no snow-day, missed a lesson, or in-class distractions, which ensures you receive your complete money’s worth- and maybe even more!

5. Removing Other Obstacles Promotes Extreme-Focus

In traditional classroom settings, attending a lecture or a study group can also create distractions that take away from the learning potential of the student. Distractions such as cell phones, sports-game scores or new all-the-rage-products can eat up the few hours of class-time or study-time allocated for specific subjects. When an online learning environment is built, so is an efficient study space. Here, you can put your phone away in the drawer in the next room, have a snack by your side and a cozy cup of tea or hot chocolate, and allow yourself to fully focus without distractions. Having a focused study space in your home also promote continuous at-home-learning, which is proven to sometimes be the best method of information retention for some students. 

6. Self-Discipline Becomes A Friend Of Yours

Another benefit of learning online is the immense amount of self-motivation that comes naturally with switching to online education. Although you can set multiple reminders, alarms, and notifications to keep you on track, at the end of the day, you’ll have to motivate yourself enough to actually “show-up” to your online study groups or courses. Instead of numerous notes home to the parents, or phone calls from the principal, online learning teachings you from the beginning how to manage the workload to avoid paying for the consequences of skipped and missed work. So, by the end of the learning process, you are quite familiar with your own self-discipline.

7. Learning Online Works On Your Schedule

As the beginning of the school year approaches, our schedules tend to fill up fast, making seeking extra tutoring help rank lower on our to-do lists than signing up for the basket-ball team or making new friends in our classes. In most cases, it is not until the middle or the end of the year that students and parents often realize that they need to fit tutoring into their schedule. When taking tutoring online, it becomes much more accessible to our own schedules, and therefore more likely to be accomplished. We even offer the first session free to make sure that our students get the best match with one of our tutors, on their schedule. Try it out for free!


Elise Beckles

With over 10 years of experience tutoring, it is Elise's hope that students gain confidence, disciplined study habits and an overall love and appreciation for education.